It was the summer of 1973 and I was eight years old. My grandmother was here visiting from out-of-state and we took her to Universal Studios. My family had been to Universal Studios once before (I've previously posted a few slides that my dad had taken in 1967), but being only two at that time, I had been left at home (hopefully not alone!), so this was my very first Universal visit.
I can recall a few things from that first visit, like the Flash Flood effect, the submarine that fired a torpedo at our tram, and the parting of the Red Sea, but the thing that I remember the most about that visit was that my dad was chosen to participate in The Stage 70 Show. This was the show where audience members were chosen to act in scenes from the television show, "Adam-12." The scenes were filmed, edited and then played back at the end of the show. Guests could also purchase a copy of the film and of course, since my dad was in it, we had to buy it.
The real stars of "Adam-12," Kent McCord and Martin Milner.
I remember my dad showing the souvenir film, whenever he would get out our "home movies." I have since been given most of the family slides and home movie footage, but this is one that I did not have and had not seen in over 30 years. Well, my dad recently located this film and had it transferred to DVD, so I am posting it here. Oh, and my dad was chosen for the Martin Milner/Pete Malloy part, so he is the one behind the wheel of the police car and in the later scenes, he is the police officer wearing the white patend leather shoes. Universal provided the costumes that the policemen are wearing, but they didn't provide shoes and my dad was wearing white dress shoes that day! I've posted the film below, and here is the link for watching it in a larger format on YouTube: Universal Studios - Adam-12 Show
The thing that actually sparked my memory of this show and led me to ask my dad to look for it, was seeing this slide posted over at Gorillas Don't Blog, last July.
The slide is reposted here with permission from Major Pepperidge (thanks, Major!) You can see the set for the exterior of the bar on the far right with the telephone booth to the left of the front doors. The set of the bar's interior is visible on the left side. People chosen to be patrons in the bar can be seen sitting in the chairs and one of the policemen can even be seen standing next to them. One thing that my brother recently pointed out to me is, that they didn't try to alter the lighting for the indoor shots, so when you are watching the film, the indoor set is just as bright and sunny as the outdoor set (both sets were located outside as you can see in the photo.)
Here are two vintage postcards showing wider angles of the Adam-12 set.
This photo of the Stage 70 Show was taken from a 1974 Universal Studios brochure.
By 1975, the Stage 70 Show was re-themed to the television show, "Emergency!" Here's a postcard showing what the new sets looked like.
A few years later, the show was re-themed yet again, to the movie, "Airport '77." At this time, the name of the theater was also changed from Stage 70, to the Screen Test Theater.
I remember seeing both the "Emergency!" and "Airport '77" versions of the show on multiple occasions, but I was never with anyone that was picked from the audience. The last incarnation of this show used a "Star Trek" theme, which I remember being surprised to see at Universal Studios, since "Star Trek" was a Paramount television show and movie franchise.
***Post Update***: Shortly after posting this, I realized that the "Emergency!" version of the Stage 70 Show and the "Airport '77" version are both available on YouTube (unfortunately, neither of them include the audio). Here are those films:
Today, we have another vintage newspaper clipping. This is among one of the oldest in my collection. I don't have an exact date, but I think I cut this out of the newspaper sometime in the late seventies or early eighties. I remember being confused at the time about why the family owned only the train and monorail and not the rest of the park and also why they were willing to sell them and Mickey Mouse. Perhaps after reading this, someone out there will be able to pinpoint the exact year this all took place.
Just in case anyone is curious, here is the back of the clipping. I did a little research using just the names "Dood and Elrod" that appear in the middle of the artwork, and it appears that this is a piece of the "Mark Trail" comic strip. A bit of trivia: Mark Trail began in 1946 and is still in syndication today.
Since my last post included a personal Disneyland souvenir, I thought I would include another one from my collection. This book of Disneyland "Hi-Lites" measures approximately 4" by 3" and was purchased for me during an early childhood visit to the park.....probably around 1969 or 1970.
I always loved the way the pages in this book were glossy and trimmed with a white border as if they were actual snapshots that you had taken yourself.