Thursday, December 7, 2023

Fantasy On Parade & Christmas at Disneyland - 1981

Today, I have ten photos from Disneyland's 1981 Christmas parade, "Fantasy On Parade."  These are all from the same year that I was in the parade.  I have to thank Sue B. of "Lou and Sue" fame, for giving me the heads up about these photos being listed on ebay.  She knew that I was a "Christmas Tree" in the parade, so she was initially letting me know about the listing for the photo of the "trees."  But I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that the ebay seller also had nine more shots from the parade!

These first four photos are of the parade's Cinderella unit.  I have posted similar pics of this unit in the past, but I think the quality on all of these is very nice.  Plus, I feel like I could never have enough photos from the actual parade that I was a part of.

The "Knights On Horseback" led the parade.

 They were followed by the "Fanfare Musicians."

The "Court Dancers" followed Cinderella's pumpkin coach (not pictured in this post).

And last up in the Cinderella unit was, the "Castle" float.

"Geppetto's Workbench" was just one of the many floats from the Pinocchio unit.

Here are the main characters from The Jungle Book unit.  Notice Mowgli, who's pretty much hidden by Baloo's shadow.

This "Fireman Clown" from the Dumbo unit, was played by Richard Ferrin.  He also designed the parade's cast T-shirt that year, and for many summer seasons, was the calliope-playing "King Lion" in the Main Street Electrical Parade.

Prince John's coach from the Robin Hood unit, was led by four "Royal Elephants."

The Toy Soldiers from the film, Babes in Toyland, have been a staple of Disneyland's Christmas parades for many decades now.

And last up, we have the photo which Sue originally contacted me about, asking if this was the same year that I was in the parade.  Unfortunately, I was always a green Christmas tree, so I know that I am not inside one of these gold trees.  However, I am VERY glad to have the photo, either way.....and all of the other photos, as well!  Thanks again, Sue!

To see more photos from this parade, as well as some cast member paraphernalia, you can click below for some of my past "Fantasy On Parade" posts:

I Was A Teenage Christmas Tree

Fantasy On Parade 1981 - Part 1 (The Disney Classics Units) 

Fantasy On Parade 1981 - Part 2 (The Christmas Finale Units)

I want to wish all of my readers out there, a very happy holiday season! 

*****BONUS ITEMS!*****

I've decided to include three Disneyland cast member publications, from December of 1981.  I picked these up at various backstage locations, and have held onto them all these years.

This first one is the Disneyland Line, which is still in publication today (now called the Disneyland Resort Line), and will be celebrating it's 55th year, in 2024.  The image on the cover of this issue, is a reproduction of the very first Walt Disney Studios Christmas card.

Does the park still hold blood drives?  I'll give blood, but please send me to the bloodmobile at Tokyo Disneyland!  Although at that point in time, Tokyo Disneyland would have still been just a construction site, since that park did not open for another 16 months.

I wonder if the Disneyland Custodial Department still produces a "Yearbook"?


Wow....only $180 for half of the rent on a condo, just one mile from the park!

Next, we have somewhat of a rarity.  It's the very first issue of CastleView magazine.  Charles Boyer, the famed Disney artist, painted the image on the magazine's cover.

Dick Nunis wrote an introduction for this premier issue of the magazine.  What I don't know is, how long this magazine lasted.  I have never seen another issue of it anywhere out there.  It was stated in this first issue, that it would be published eight times annually by "Cast Communications, the Disneyland University, Disneyland."

This three-page article about getting the park ready for Christmastime, begins with a photo of the "Fanfare Musicians" from the Cinderella unit of Fantasy On Parade.

This is back in the day, when a real tree was acquired for the park.  I used to drive by the park's backstage area everyday on my way to work, and I would watch the progress being made on the tree during those weeks of prepping and decorating.

I'm guessing that all of the preparation that went into the tree (painting it?), before they even started decorating it, might be the reason why they switched to an artificial tree?  Of course it could have been because they wanted to stop killing real trees.  Nah, it was probably just to save some money by using the same tree every year.  The article also mentions the two white trees, which used to be placed in the Castle's moat every year.

There is much more to this magazine, including articles on the construction progress of EPCOT Center and Tokyo Disneyland.  Other articles include a history of Fantasyland, and the replacement of some original 25+ year-old structures at Disneyland, such as the stockade at the entrance to Frontierland, and the miniature buildings within Storybook Land.  The original elm trees along Main Street were also being replaced at this time, because they had "grown out of scale for Main Street," according to the article.  I will try to get the rest of the magazine scanned and posted in the future.

And here is something that I believe just might be as much of a rarity as that issue of CastleView magazine, if not more so.  This is a December 1981 issue of the Rainbow Ridge Clarion, which was published monthly, by and for cast members who worked on the "west side" of the park.  Again, I'm not sure how long this publication was around, but the very first issue was published in September of 1981.  As stated in that first issue, it's name was taken from the fictional newspaper office, formerly located in the little mining town of Rainbow Ridge, overlooking the loading area for the Nature's Wonderland Mine Train.

The first page begins with cast members' "wish lists" for Santa, and they continue on to page three.

The article on the next two pages, covers the history of the Christmas season at Disneyland, including such things as the park's original "Christmas Bowl" and the annual Candlelight Procession.  The Matterhorn's "Christmas star" also gets a mention.

Next, we have the listing of cast member birthdays (west side only), for the month of December.

"The Center," which is mentioned below as the place to buy tickets for various cast member activities, was located backstage, between Main Street and Space Mountain.  The mobile home-type of structure is still standing, but I don't know if it has been given a different name and/or usage for today.

A rehab schedule was included for "west side" shops, restaurants, and attractions:

And cast members shared some of their personal recipes:



  1. That issue of THE CASTLE VIEW is believed to be the only issue. The Boyer artwork on its cover was actually a proposal concept for a winterization of Main Street USA …. Called WINTERFEST an enhancement to the regular Christmas decor. Note the streetcars have been replaced with sleighs! The WINTERFEST decor also would have included a “snow” covered Frontierland entrance stockade …. WINTERFEST was shelved because of the cost already spent on the Disneyland 25th promotion … and the heavy California winter rains from 1979 thru 1982.

    Wow! The Rainbow Ridge Clarion : must be pretty rare … I know of lots of short run internal publications for area operations and merchandise… like Adventureland’s “JUNGLE DRUMS” And MAIN STREET USA’s “TROLLEY TRACKS” …

  2. Mike, thanks for that info about "Winterfest" at Disneyland! I didn't know anything about that. Would they have attempted to freeze Main Street, just like they did for that Sandy Duncan Christmas special?

    I wonder why they didn't continue on with Castleview magazine. It's a very nice magazine....much nicer than the Disneyland Line was at that time.

  3. Love the rare Disney newsletters. Especially the Rainbow Ridge Clarion. Enjoyed reading the Santa's list of employee wishes. Funny.

    Nice pics of "Fantasy on Parade" the best Christmas parade ever done at Disneyland. I'm talking the 1970's early 80's versions.

    Thanks for sharing the images with us, TM!

  4. Ken, I agree with's one of the best parades, ever! This parade was very long, and had so many performers and musicians, and also included many horses, and even some dogs (in the Pluto/Pete "Dogcatcher Unit.") Disney truly went "all out" back in those days!

  5. I love these photos, and I love that these just happened to be from the same year you were in that Christmas parade! I feel like you are the right person to own these. The quality of the photos is very nice, much better than some, the photographer was in a good location to see the floats and marchers up close without too many other people in the way.

    I think Geppetto’s Workbench appeared in other parades too? I know it was not uncommon for them to repurpose floats from past parades.

    Cool that you actually know the Fireman Clown! And it was fun to go back and reread your past “Fantasy On Parade” blog posts.

    Thanks also for the scans from the Disneyland Line issue - those “want ads” are awesome.

    “CastleView” magazine? What the heck?! I have NEVER heard of that one! And there were a number of Disney park magazines. Now I need to know more about this! Even today I sometimes love to dig through my old “Vactionland” mags, or “Disney News”, or even the older “Disneylander” issues, the inside look at what was going on in the park and in the Disney company is so fascinating to me.

    I feel like I’ve at least heard of the Rainbow Ridge Clarion, but sure don’t own any. Those have to be super rare! I guess that I have always been so focused on the 1950s and 1960s (and a bit into the 1970s) that I’ve ignored a lot of good stuff that happened later.

    Thanks for this very fun post, and Merry Christmas to you!

  6. Major, I thought the quality on these was pretty nice, too. These were slides, so I used my brand new scanner on them. And I was really happy with the results....they turned out even nicer than the scans that the ebay seller had posted in the listing.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Geppetto's Workbench float had appeared in other parades. You are right, it was not uncommon for Disney to do that. That Cinderella "Castle float" had been used the previous year, as a part of the "Fantasyland Unit" for Disneyland's 25th Family Reunion/Birthday parade. And one of the Pinocchio village buildings from this parade, was repurposed two years later and carried the characters from the newly released "Mickey's Christmas Carol." When the 1983 "Flights of Fantasy" parade ended after just one summer season, several of those floats were reused in future Christmas parades.

    I guess I was working at the park at just the right time, in order to be able to get the one and only issue of CastleView magazine. I want to know why they did not continue with it, especially since there is a notation in the magazine, stating that it will be published 8 times a year.

    "The Rainbow Ridge Clarion" might also sound familiar, because of the name being on one of the buildings in Rainbow Ridge. You have posted at least one photo of that building (but I'm guessing far more than that). I have one more issue of it, and it's the premiere issue. I will get that scanned and posted, eventually.

    I'm glad that you enjoyed this post! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  7. I had never seen your Christmas tree costume until now! Your story makes a lot more sense now that I see how bulky those costumes were.

    I wonder if that Dumbo float was repurposed for Clara Cluck at the Magic Kingdom? It certainly looks similar.

    Thanks for sharing those internal publications. Very cool that you might have the only issue of what aspired to be a stylish magazine! Kennywood just has an email newsletter, but I've seen some old copies online of a publication from the 1930s. The crazy thing is, none o the articles were about the park, instead they were about poetry, historic figures, and inspirational quotes. Because that just made sense for 1933 I guess!

  8. Oh, and what is this "Disneyland Line" you speak of? ;-)

  9. Your story makes a lot more sense now that I see how bulky those costumes were.

    Andrew, do you mean my story about getting stuck in the tracks on Main Street? The trees had wheels on the bottom, and it was one of those wheels that got stuck/wedged just perfectly between the tracks.

    You are right, they did repurpose the Firehouse float and gave it a "barn" theme for Clara. But WDW had their own Firehouse float to convert, without DL having to send them theirs. The parades at the two parks often had identical floats. I learned this fact from watching the Christmas morning broadcast of WDW's Christmas parade every year, back in the eighties.

    That's funny (and odd!) about the 1930s Kennywood employee newsletter containing nothing about the park, itself!

    The Disneyland Line used to be more like a "newsletter," consisting of only a few pages. The exception being when they would publish a "Special Edition," like that one in my "New Matterhorn" post from earlier this year. Eventually, the Disneyland Line evolved to have more of a magazine-type of format, pretty much like that issue of CastleView.

  10. I love this post, TM!

    It's so much fun to see your parade in action, in more pictures. All the background info is great, too.

    The newsletters/publications are a riot! The Christmas wishes and all. I think I want to join everyone for some whale watching. (I wonder if Bu or DW might remember some of the employees listed in these newsletters?)

    Merry Christmas to everyone, especially to my favorite Christmas Tree!


  11. I wonder if Bu or DW might remember some of the employees listed in these newsletters?

    Sue, I bet they would recognize some of those names. I wonder if KS would remember some of them, too. Or maybe he had quit by 1981?

    I am so happy to have these photos. Thanks again for being on the lookout, and spotting that shot of the "Christmas Trees"!!! Maybe even more pics from this parade will turn up in the future!

  12. Thanks to Sue for pinging me to look at the page: Fantasy on Parade was the BEST parade EVER. I LOVED this parade and I am not a huge fan of parades at all. I loved seeing a future co-worker of mine Connie Z: who is the Sleeping Beauty dancer in not the guy :) She also played other face characters while in parades and if memory serves me right, she is in that photo of the 25th Parade as Cinderella in the coach on one of the covers of Disney News. She later got into the "top 10" for Ambassador of one year, and then became a Tour Guide after that. We had a few parade people "cross overs" in the department: they certainly added a degree of theatricality to a somewhat serious Guest Relations landscape :) CastleView: I had many of these: I think I had a feeling that it would never be produced again, so I grabbed another every time I left Harbor House. At the time I thought it would be replacing "Backstage Disneyland"...which was an awesome magazine, full of lighthearted "shenanigans"...I don't think it was produced in my time, but I had a lot of issues I bought from an Imagineer at WED: along with HUNDREDS of old Disneyland Lines. There were a couple other in-house publications: very grass roots: The Main Street Gazette, and MY publication: The Tour Guide Times. The TG Times lasted a few issues until some internal politics shut it down: mostly around using the Xerox machine upstairs in the Main St. office (?) "Xerox's are expensive!" My supervisor went to battle for me (she STILL works at the park), and when it later became "not fun" to produce it due to all the "energy" around it...I did one final VERY VERY professionally produced (and BORING) issue (I was told mine was too "low brow": but people LOVED that about it) I said "I'm done". We even had our own comic strip: "Tilly Tourguide"...which I was told was not relevant and "wasted paper". Note that this was there was a "Tilly" in the Main St. Cinema: (maybe they stole that from me?) I do not have any copies of my own newsletter, so if someone finds one out there: please let me know! I DID buy a copy of the Sweeper yearbook: which I still have: it is also FULL of very irreverent photos/comics/etc. There was also a Fantasyland Yearbook that came out the first year of the new Fantasyland...which I had, then sold: it wasn't as fun as the Sweeper yearbook..and more a "final issue of TG Times". Regarding the "Winterization of Disneyland"...I saw a very rare workshopping of it on the Disney back lot in '81. The buildings/trees had frost/ice/"snow" on them: the sets of a victorian street: which I think may have been from "Summer Magic"...Pete's Dragon/ It looked very "not great"...which is why they probably ditched the idea. I thought it was interesting that they were using the backlot for a Disneyland thing. I do see many names in these publications: the guy who "wants an EPCOT model in his backyard": Jeff Hoffman: went on to run the Global Philanthropy end of WDCo. He worked on the West Side then did many other things...I saw him shortly after his exit from the Company: randomly at an airport club in some city....he went on to do his own thing. I like that one employee for Christmas wants "a transfer ANYWHERE!"....ha! and the girl that wants Tom Selleck....there are a few things in there that would NEVER be published the Tour Guide Times :) Thanks TM (tm)!

  13. Bu, wow...thanks for all of that great "inside" information! I'm glad to hear you say that Fantasy On Parade was the best parade ever. I think so, too! And the parade used to change from year to year, with units/floats being added or swapped out. But it seems like once the "Christmas Fantasy" parade debuted in the nineties, that nothing ever changed within it. It was the same exact music year after year, and the same exact floats. I wish they would take a cue from Tokyo Disneyland. They change their parade every year, and also have a brand new theme song written for it, every year. But I know that would never happen here with the U.S. Disney parks.

    I know which issue of Disney News you are talking about. I have that one, so I will have to get it out and take a closer look at Cinderella's face. That 25th parade was also a really nice parade. I've said it before but, they just don't do them like that anymore!

    That's a shame about your cast member publication being stifled. Gee, what a bunch of "sticks in the mud" management was.! But I'm guessing things are far worse now.

    Thanks for checking out my post and for commenting, too!
