Friday, August 9, 2024

Disneyland's Haunted Mansion - 55th Anniversary

Today, Disneyland's Haunted Mansion is celebrating it's 55th anniversary!

In honor of this anniversary, let's take a look at some Haunted Mansion-related articles, which appeared in Disney News Magazine over the years.

From the Summer 1969 issue:

I believe this was the publication's earliest mention of the Haunted Mansion.  As the article states, the attraction was "to be completed in late summer."  It also mentions a new fleet of Disneyland-Alweg Monorail trains, which would also be debuting that summer.  These would have been the Mark III five-car trains.  Oh, and that's Yale Gracey, posing with the original Hat Box Ghost figure!

From the Fall 1969 issue:

This issue's article is entirely about Ciro Rolando Santana y Arrite, a Cuban sculptor who was hired to carve "wooden furniture and ornamentation for Disneyland's Haunted Mansion."  The attraction would have been open at this point, but the caption for the photos below the article states, "Here is a sneak preview of the Haunted Mansion."

The blog, "Long Forgotten" has provided some additional info about the work of Ciro Rolado Santa y Arrite, in a blog post from August of 2010.

From the Winter 1969-1970 issue:

This article includes quotes from a few children who were interviewed prior to entering the Haunted Mansion, and also upon exiting.  The child in the photo is hiding behind a tombstone with an epitaph that reads, "Here Lies Phineas Pock - Laid To Rest Beneath This Rock - R.I.P."  I clearly remember this headstone during my childhood visits to Disneyland.  At that time, it was located on the hillside, or "berm," to the west of the Haunted Mansion, along with other headstones.  I remember returning to the park at some point, and the headstones were noticeably missing.

Once again, the "Long Forgotten" blog has an excellent and thorough post, about the disappearing, reappearing, and relocation of the headstones over the years.


From the Fall 1974 issue:

By this time, a second Haunted Mansion had opened at Walt Disney World, in Florida.  This article discusses both versions, including the influence for the two different exteriors.

The article also describes how the dust and cobwebs are applied throughout the attraction.

Happy 55th anniversary, to Disneyland's Haunted Mansion!