Friday, August 4, 2023

Montezooma's Revenge at Knott's Berry Farm - 45th Anniversary!

Hey everyone, it's time for another anniversary post!  Knott's Berry Farm's Camp Snoopy celebrated it's "40th" anniversary, just last month, and Disneyland's "New Matterhorn"  had it's "45th" anniversary, in May.  Well, Knott's "Montezooma's Revenge" also happens to be celebrating it's "45th" anniversary, this year.

Montezooma's Revenge had it's grand opening in May of 1978.  Prior to it's opening, a "coming soon" sign at the park announced the name of the new coaster as, "¡Loco Motion!"

Earlier in the year, I had written to the Knott's public relations department, asking about possible "future attractions" coming to the park.  They sent me a packet with various maps and brochures, including this then-current one.

On the back of the brochure, someone had taken a yellow highlighter pen, and outlined this image.  Apparently, they had not yet decided on a definite name for the future coaster.

Inside, a map showed the location of the new attraction.  It was being built on a portion of an existing parking lot.

A similar coaster had opened just one year earlier, at Marriott's Great America in Santa Clara, California.  In fact, when Knott's filmed it's television commercial for Montezooma's Revenge, it was still under construction, so they used footage of it's "sister" coaster, up north.  Great America's version (seen below) was called "Tidal Wave," and it closed in 2002, after 25 years of operation.

Montezooma's Revenge officially opened over Memorial Day Weekend.  This image was from the opening day press kit.

The text below these publicity shots, gave a detailed description of what riders would experience on the new coaster.

This advertisement is from the May 28, 1978 edition of The Los Angeles Times.  I have saved this ever since childhood.  The ad on the reverse side just happened to be for Disneyland's "New Matterhorn," which was also opening over Memorial Day Weekend.  I posted that advertisement in May of this year (see the link at the top of this post).

As mentioned in the ad, Debbie Reynold's was appearing at the park over the holiday weekend.  Eddie Rabbit was also appearing.  (He loves a rainy night!)  However, it was Debbie Reynolds (right) who took the official inaugural ride on Montezooma's Revenge, along with Marion Knott (left).

Shortly after the ride opened, an updated version of the Knott's "pictorial souvenir booklet," featured a more colorful version of the same concept art, from that March 1978 brochure.  "El Cinema Grande" (inset) was also opening in Fiesta Village, that summer.

That same concept art was used once again, for this souvenir decal. I remember buying this in a little shop located across from the Knott's "Volcano," and next door to "Marion and Toni's Sportswear" shop.  The shop was called "Virginia's Souvenirs," and was a separate store from the much larger "Virginia's Gift Shop."

I purchased this pennant during the same visit......

.......and these postcards:

The original signage (seen below) was changed, some years later.

For Knott's "60th" anniversary in 1980, Bob Bates created posters for many of the park's attractions.  Even though he did create an individual one for Montezooma's Revenge, it was never reproduced as a souvenir for guests.  However, the coaster was included on this "composite" poster.

This next photo was included in a later edition of the Knott's "pictorial souvenir booklet."  At this time, a guest parking lot still existed on the other side of those trees, to the right.  Camp Snoopy would be built on the remaining portion of this lot, in 1983.

This postcard featuring Montezooma's Revenge doesn't have a date, but it would have to be from sometime between 1980 and 1987.  (1980 is the year that the Dragon Swing (lower right) opened, and 1987 is the year that the Tijuana Taxi (upper right) was removed.)

And this one would have to be from sometime between 1987 and 2003, because those are the opening and closing dates for the "Tampico Tumbler" (bottom, center).

Souvenirs featuring Montezooma's Revenge aren't very common.  I found these next two on ebay, but I don't have an exact year for either one of them.

The font on the keychain, is the same as the one used on the original sign.

This embroidered patch can't be "original" to when the coaster opened, because it depicts the ride's newer signage.

Here's that "newer" sign, for comparison:

And this collector's pin is a much more recent item.  In 2020, Knott's released a series of 100 pins for their 100th anniversary.  This pin was #78 in the series.

Montezooma's Revenge finally received it's very own attraction poster, when Cedar Fair commissioned artist, Josh Reichlin, to design official attraction posters for each of Knott's roller coasters (with the exceptions being, Timberline Twister and Pony Express).  This poster is currently available for purchase, at the Knott's "online" Marketplace.

Another current item for sale, is this "NanoCoaster" model of Montezooma's track layout.

In 2019, the American Coaster Enthusiasts (ACE) recognized Montezooma's Revenge as a "roller coaster landmark," and presented Knott's with a special plaque.  The plaque, which is mounted to a wall near the ride's entrance, provides some info about the coaster's manufacturer (Anton Schwarzkopf) and it's designer (Werner Stengel).

To experience a "virtual" ride on the original Montezooma's Revenge, here's a front row "POV" video from Knott's own YouTube channel:

For summer of 2023, the "Fiesta Village" area at Knott's received a major refurbishment, which was also supposed to include a "re-imagined" Montezooma's Revenge.  The grand re-opening has been delayed, and from online reports, construction was even halted for a while.  When the ride does reopen, it will have a new "random" launch pattern, meaning riders won't know if the coaster train is going to launch forwards, or backwards.  The ride will also be renamed, "MonteZOOMa:  The Forbidden Fortress."  The concept art below shows a new entrance arch and signage.

This short promotional clip reveals what the redesigned coaster train will look like.

I will wrap up this anniversary post, with a series of photos that I've taken of Montezooma, over the years.

The entrance with it's original wooden gates:

The "newer" signage featured a three dimensional serpent, with a forked tongue that moved up and down....

.....and eyes that glowed:

The station, located just to the right of the entrance:

Inside the station, preparing to launch:

The launch, going from 0 to 55mph in just 5 seconds:

 Heading towards the loop:

The 76-foot tall vertical loop:

In 1995, Knott's designed their newest coaster, "Jaguar," to go right through the center of Montezooma's loop.  A "cage" was built around the new coaster's track.  I'm assuming this was to prevent anything from potentially dropping out of Jaguar's trains, and onto Montezooma's track?

Going up the first tower, which stands 140 feet tall (this image is from Wikipedia, since I did not have my own daytime photo of this section of the track):

And here is the view at night, while standing directly below the tower:

Going backwards through the station:

Coming out of the backside of the station:

Going up the second tower, and experiencing "weightlessness":

And coming back down, into the station:

****Bonus Items****

For anyone who's interested, here is that March 1978 brochure, in it's entirety:

Years before Knott's was ever having a "Boysenberry Festival," their big springtime event was, "Knott's Country Fair."  This event began just one year earlier, in the spring of 1977.

The cover mentions the filming of a "Guinness Book of World Records TV special," taking place in the park.  I did a search, and nothing came up for that year, or with those two stars, Richard Dawson and Michelle Lee.  If it exists somewhere out there, I sure would like to find a copy!

A note below the map's "Legend" states, "Colorful and decorative souvenir maps of Knott's Berry Farm are available at many locations throughout the Farm."  They didn't mention that they were actually selling them.  The map they were referring to was a large "wall" map, designed by Bob Bates.  There were two versions available for sale, one without Montezooma's Revenge, and an updated version, after the coaster was added to the map.

I wonder if this "freebie" map, was purposely made plain and printed only in one color, to try and promote the sales of their more "colorful and decorative" souvenir maps?  I know that I bought one, back in the day.  A blown-up version of the Bob Bates map can currently be seen on a wall, inside Virginia's Gift Shop.  A scan of that map is also available HERE, from the blog, "Vintage Disneyland Tickets."

Interesting......there was a band by the name of "Montezuma's Revenge," performing at the Wagon Camp!  I did a search for them, and it looks like they released at least one record.  They also performed at Disneyland, for Grad Nite '81.  And it looks like Fiddlin' Charlie & Mamie were still performing on the porch of the Gold Trails Hotel.  Personally, I want to go "shake my booty" to the sounds of "The Disco Machine," at the Airfield Eatery.  I'm a little surprised that the disco dancing wasn't taking place over at the Cloud Nine Ballroom.

And check out those contests.....Pie Eating, Yodeling, Hog Calling, Cow Milking, and Greased Pig Catching.  These contests were all still taking place years later, when I was working at Knott's.  The pie-eating contest was also held during the Knott's annual "Employee's-Only Night."

And just "because" is my Knott's Country Fair employee button, from 1986 (eight years later).  The annual Country Fair event was still going strong at this time.  I'm not sure when they discontinued the event, but it looks like it was still taking place as late as 2011.  By 2013, it was replaced with the Knott's "Berry Bloom" spring event.  Who remembers that one?  I don't think that event was very popular, because by the next year (2014), it was replaced by Knott's very first "Boysenberry Festival," which has continued every spring, since then.

Here's one more "bonus" item.  After appearing at Knott's over that Memorial Day weekend in 1978, Debbie Reynolds returned to the Farm exactly one year later.  This advertisement is from a May 1979 issue of TV Guide:



  1. The name "¡Loco Motion!" is actually a pretty cool name for a coaster.

    I really like the promos and ads for Montezooma's Revenge. Some of them I've never seen before. I also never saw that decal for the coaster either.

    I see that Marion tried out her rides that she had installed. Debbie's eyes are closed taking her to that serene place.

    I never knew they did a patch for Monty. Is that yours?

    I do have that pin and attraction poster as well as all the postcards.

    Here's a video from the National Roller Coaster Museum & Archives. It shows detailing of the Montezooma's Revenge front coaster car.

    Lovet his post. One of the last Intamin shuttle loops. Since they are changing it, I have to wonder if it can be considered the original. It seems that they probably altered it enough to change that. Time will tell.

    Thanks, TM! for this wonderful post.

  2. Montezooma’s Revenge is such an integral part of Knott’s history. It’s their Space Mountain, if you will and really put the park on the map in 1978. The best Knott’s map you will ever see is the 1978 version including this ride. When Montezooma debuted, it was the apex of Knott’s popularity while the Knott’s were running it in my opinion. I always thought El Cinema grande was a weird choice to put in the park. Maybe they were trying to emulate what Disney did with the Superspeed Tunnel. Cinema only lasted 4 years so the popularity was definitely not there.

  3. Ken, I thought "¡Loco Motion!" was a good name, too. I wonder who came up with the final name? Maybe Marion Knott had tested the earlier version of the ride, up at Great America, and it gave her......nah, probably not. And yeah, I was a little surprised to see her riding the thing. But I think there is footage, or at least photos of her also riding the Sky Jump, when it was new. Now the real question is, did Walter Knott try out all of the new rides. He was still alive in 1978. I'll just imagine that he went on Montezooma repeatedly, and that he loved it!

    That patch was not mine. I found it on ebay. I don't remember ever seeing that one for sale at Knott's, so I'm not sure exactly what era it is from....just that it doesn't go back to the "early" years of the ride.

    Thanks for the link to that video. It made such a huge difference after they washed the thing! That same museum also has Montezooma's sign, and a section of track from the loop. I wonder if they will be putting all of the items out on display?

    As far as being considered "original", that is a good question. I suppose we'd have to ask a coaster expert. As for that "special designation" on the "ACE" landmark plaque, Montezooma will soon no longer be "the last operating Schwarzkopf shuttle loop coaster in the United States." I just learned last week, that one of the company's shuttle loop coasters which originally operated at Kennywood, and then was sent to a park in Mexico in the 1990s, has now been purchased by the owners of Niagara Amusement Park in New York, and will be reassembled there!

  4. disneymike, I never thought of it that way....that Montezooma was Knott's "Space Mountain." But you are right, considering they both opened in the late seventies when the "coaster craze" was just beginning. I remember the parks were all trying to outdo one another, with their new coasters. I think most of them still are, but it really did start back then.

    I remember going in "El Cinema Grande" multiple times. It did seem like a Disney "thing" to me.....more like they were trying to come up with their version of "CircleVision." They should have called it "Half-Circle" vision! Again, there was that competition among the parks. I remember after Disneyland got a 3-D film, Knott's had to have their own. Not many people will remember it, but it was called "Sea Dream" and they showed it inside the Cloud 9 Ballroom. It probably didn't even last as long as El Cinema Grande!

  5. Wow!! I never knew about the first LOCOMOTION name!!

    Bob Babes actually created other attraction posters but for what ever reason Knott’s decided to (not) print them. Some of them included WHEELER DEALER BUMPER CARS , HAPPY SOMBRERO, MONTAZOOMAS REVENGE , THE CORKSCREW , GASOLINE ALLEY and INDEPENDENCE HALL. These other “posters” were displayed in Knott’s design offices …. At some point a few of them were regulated to the outside areas of the shops and chicken dinner restaurant . The sad part is they displayed the ORIGINAL artwork … and despite being in frames under glass didn’t last long . I know a Knott’s employee who “ rescued” the CORKSCREW …. And it survives …. The others I don’t think they did. The last two displayed were INDEPENDENCE HALL and WHEELER DEALER BUMPER CARS. These lasted into the late 1990’s. A few years ago Knott’s sold at auction the original poster art for the ones printed as souvenirs in the 80’s .

  6. A friend of mine just reminded me that two other Bob Bates attraction posters painted but not reproduced included CLOUD 9 BALLROOM and the CABLE CARS . The cable cars were removed in 1979 so that explains why that one was never reproduced. My understanding is that the posters were designed to be used like Disneyland attraction posters - displayed along the park’s entry … but for whatever reason they were not …. And merchandise selected a handful to reproduce for sale. Sad the others were just used in the elements.

  7. I remember Knott’s doing a similar promotion like OLD WEST COUNTY FAIR in the 80’s called OLD WEST BOOMTOWN ….. an old west boom town in ghost town I guess …. I’m not sure what exactly it entailed but I remember the radio and TV commercials …

  8. Mike, I think I remember seeing a poster for the Wheeler Dealer Bumper Cars, but would not have know that it was the original artwork. Leave it to Knott's to put that original and irreplaceable artwork out there to be ruined by the "elements." And I remember seeing Bob Bates' artwork at that 2017 Knott's auction.

    I wonder if the Old West promotion you are remembering, could be when they "revamped" the Ghost Town, in 1985. That was the year that they erected the big "Ghost Town 1885" sign which is still standing at the entrance, today. They also moved the "spinner's cabin" a few yards, so that it was next to the bathrooms, tore down the top two thirds of the firehouse, added outdoor seating to the Ghost Town Grill, moved Mott's Miniatures out of Jeffries Barn (and converted the barn into a theater-in-the-round type of setup), and rotated the Calico Railroad's train station 180 degrees and moved it over next to the railroad tracks. They also started having "townspeople" out in front of the buildings, interacting with guests and telling stories. The whole thing was promoted (at least to us as employees) as "Ghost Town Alive in '85." I don't remember it being promoted exactly that way to the public, so they very well might have marketed it as an "Old West Boomtown" type of thing. That seems familiar. But I still have my "employees-only" t-shirt from that summer, which has "Ghost Town Alive in '85" on it. I thought it was funny a few years back, when they started their "new" event, "Ghost Town Alive," because it wasn't really a new idea at all. I wonder if the people who came up with that were aware of something similar taking place, 30 years earlier.

  9. I didn’t realize the Knott’s Country Fair had been a long standing event…. It makes Disneyland’s STATE FAIR seem like a shiesty copy…..

    Looks like Disney has been ripping off Knott’s for years … the earliest WED concepts for WDW’s THUNDER MESA are clearly replicating the exterior facing of the CALICO MINE RIDE …. The designers of Splash Mountain copied the basic mountain layout of TIMBER MOUNTAIN …. In 1986 I was invited to see a presentation of the early concepts of EURO DISNEYLAND …one of the WED presenters was Eddie Sotto - a former Knott’s designers … he even said since Knott’s was over 4 thousands miles away from Paris …. We are going to have a “ghost town” in our French Frontierland and gold panning … And Main Street USA would be updated to the 1920’s …. A theme that proved very popular at Knott’s they admitted…. While the ghost town became part of Phantom Manor …and Gold panning and a 1920’s Main Street was abandoned …, its interesting WED imagineers admitted to lifting ideas from the Knott’s park .

  10. Oh another attraction being developed for Knott’s Roaring 20’s was an attraction called the Rum Runners of ‘25 …. Guests road in sedans wildly thru a nite time 1920’s Los Angeles …. This idea was canceled because of one if the Knott’s family members having an alcohol problem … but Eddie re-used this idea for Disneyland's DICK TRACYS CRIME STOPPERS …. An attraction that was announced then canceled when the film didn’t do very well .

  11. Mike, yes Disneyland copied Knott's in many ways. I used to be able to go down the long list of things that they had copied, but I forget some of them, now. Disneyland's "log ride" is of course, the biggest one. I remember being very surprised that they would add something like that to DL, when almost every other amusement park had a log flume ride. And then to see the basic look of the mountain not even be anything new or original was very disappointing. Thanks for the reminder about Disney copying Knott's "Fair" event! Oh, Knott's also had a "50s" event two years in a row, in 1987 and 1988. So Disney was copying them when they did their "Blast to the Past" event, in 1988 and 1989!

    I had heard about the Dick Tracy Crime Stoppers ride (as a supposed part of "The Disney Decade"), but I didn't know that it was a reworked version of something originally planned for Knott's. I wonder where in the Roaring 20s that would have been built? It wasn't going to replace Bear-y Tales, was it? Or was it going to replace the Cycle Chase, when they reworked that attraction in 1980?

  12. I believe Rum Runners of ‘25 was proposed to go north of The LINDY CAFE …. About there anyhow. I’m not exactly sure how the attraction was to operate , but there was suppose to be variations of the ride Thru …. And the vehicles are shown as sedans , taxi cabs and police cars … so I’m not sure how guest knew who and what to shoot at. It seems like it was “WORLD OF MOTION- MR. TOADS WILD RIDE - BUZZ LIGHT YEAR combined …

  13. Thanks, TokyoMagic, for your fun KBF posts. I haven't been back since 1976, so your posts are a great way for me to 'catch up' on what I [unfortunately] missed. Lots of fun!

  14. Mike, that would have been interesting if Knott's had gotten an attraction like that. I just remembered something, correct me if I'm wrong but, wasn't the Dick Tracy ride also reworked into a proposed Muppet ride for the American Waterfront section of Tokyo DisneySea? I think I remember hearing that (probably from you), and that the Oriental Land Company had turned it down.

  15. Sue, wow..1976? I didn't realize that it had been THAT long, since your last Knott's trip. I'm glad that I was able to get you "caught up" on a few things!

  16. I love this post, TokyoMagic! I’m so glad that you hung onto all these mementos of the ride for so many years, and I especially love the brochure they sent you with the coaster highlighted.

    The Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loop is definitely a defining ride of the 70s regional theme park… here, Great America, Carowinds, Kings Dominion, etc.! It’s especially representative of that era because none are left now. Although I’m happy they are least preserving the concept of Montezooma, I’m sure the ride will be fully modernized when it reopens, with none of its quirky 70s charm left. From videos I’ve seen, the circles of lightbulbs along the launch, the loud announcement in the station just before the train sped through backwards, and the abrupt opening of the lap bars all seemed to give the ride a unique charm.

    Knott’s deserves a lot of credit for maintaining such a complicated launch system for so many decades, never mind that it was in the same park as another flywheel launch (Pony Express) and an even more problematic hydraulic launch (Xcelerator)!

    The Kennywood Laser Loop had a winch at top of the tallest spike that could be used if the train didn’t make it back through the loop when going backwards (apparently this happened several times). I’m assuming Montezooma had/has this too?

    I’m disappointed that during my first visit to Knott’s, the loop was already gone and I never got to experience the original version of this legendary ride for myself. The metal “tunnel” on Jaguar looked pretty strange just there by itself with no loop encircling it.

    Thanks again TM!

  17. Andrew, it's funny....when I would write to Disney for information about "future attractions," they would always send me a copy of their "Annual Report." And sometimes they would throw in a copy of the latest issue of Disney News Magazine, or one of the park's pictorial souvenir books, or sometimes even an 8 x 10 publicity photo of something at the park. But the one and only time I wrote to Knott's, they just stuck in a gate flyer, and drew around a picture on the back of it with a highlighter! Oh, well....I guess it was better than nothing. At that age, I think I was still excited to see the artwork for a new coaster. And after all, Knott's was not on the same level as Disney, and I knew that even at that age.

    I've been wondering if they will leave the "circles of light bulbs" intact. I suppose they won't fit in with the new theme.

    That's a good question about the winch. I'm assuming Knott's had something like that, too. I never witnessed it happening, but I heard about multiple incidents where something went wrong with the launch on Montezooma, and the train only had enough power to barely get through the loop. From what I was told, the train would roll forward and back between the loop and the first spike, for quite a while. I'd like to know just how long it would do that. From the stories that were told, it sounded like it did it for a very long time, but I can't imagine it taking too long for the train to come to a stop.

    I'm sorry that you didn't get to experience Montezooma's Revenge when you visited Knott's, last summer. Now that Niagara Amusement Park has the "Laser Loop" coaster from your home park (Kennywood), maybe you will get to experience an original shuttle loop coaster....someday! I hope so!

  18. I liked Montezooma’s Revenge (the ride, not the malady), but it was a real drag to wait in line for over an hour for a 45 second ride. Still, that launch was unusual and exciting for its day. I wonder why they changed the name from “¡Loco- Motion!” to a name that evokes something so unpleasant? Seems like an odd choice. “Let’s call this ‘coaster ‘The Constipation’!”.

    I love the old brochure, and the fact that somebody felt the need to highlight that drawing of the roller coaster. And I am amazed that you still have that clipping from the L.A. Times! I used to have boxes of Disneyland clippings, but very few survive.

    Neat photo of Marion Knott and Debbie Reynolds, two ladies who love their thrills! I always love those souvenir decals, and have never seen one with Montezooma’s Revenge on it. Now I want one! That attraction poster sure looks like it is inspired by older Disney posters - that’s not a bad thing. The “NanoCoaster” model is sort of cool.

    Seeing all these photos and postcards makes me nostalgic for the Knott’s of 45 years ago, even though they were heavily in “Roller Coaster Mode”, which certainly changed the feel of the park overall. And Marion Knott had to consider the realities of bringing in the teens who probably found the Calico Mine Train to be “boring”.

    Thanks for sharing the entire brochure! “Fiddlin’ With Charlie and Mamie”, I have all their albums, and used to follow them around the country. Fellow fans would trade bootleg tapes!

    Thanks for a fun blast from the past.

  19. Major, wow....I never saw a long line for Montezuma's Revenge, even when it was new. I guess I was always there at just the right time. I have noticed all of the switchback railings located underneath the second spike, but I've never seen them full with guests.

    Ha, ha! An even better name for the ride would be, "Diarrhea!"

    Knott's sure was a different place, 45 years ago. I miss that Knott's!

    The next time you share images of your pinback button collection, I want to see your "Fiddlin' Charlie & Mamie - Official Fan Club Member" button!

  20. TokyoMagic! I vote for "The Chicken Dinner Runs!"

  21. Gracias TokyoMagic!, another super post with a bonanza of material.

    Summer 1978 was a big one for Southern California: New Matterhorn, Montezooma's Revenge and Colossus at Magic Mountain. Who was top dog? Disneyland won summer '77 and I would call a draw between Knott's and Magic Mountain for '76.

    I didn't ride Montezooma till October 1986, and it was exhilarating--first riders wonder if the trains might continue to the track ends, and beyond. It was also a TRE moment, though; the beginning of the end of the Fiesta Village I loved, which was mostly low key, warm, relaxing, peaceful. It was unsettling to have the presentation in The Little Chapel by the Lake interrupted by roller coaster screams, and October '86 must have been near the end for those Bud Hurlbut charmers Tijuana Taxi, Mexican Whip, Fiesta Wheel, etc.
    Adios also to the Monkey Cage, Seal Pool, and Children's Party Garden. I haven't been to Knott's in 30 years, but I recently saw a map of the current park, !caramba! I'll only return if they bring back the volcano and little red devil.

    A comment on your majestic New Matterhorn post; I rode it in August 1978, and there was a fog effect: at the top of each lift clouds of mist were released with a WHISSHHH, and had blue illumination from all-too-visible lamps. I rode it again at Christmas'78, and the effect was still working; once more I was annoyed that no attempt was made to hide the light source. Never saw it after that; recall that for a couple of years after it opened, the shed containing the first drop of Magic Mountain's Jet Stream was filled with mist, which excitingly concealed the plunge. Discontinued either because of cost, maintenance issues, or because it flattened too many Big Valley Hairdos.

  22. De nada, Stefano!

    Oh, yeah! Colossus was also summer of '78. I did a post about going to Magic Mountain that summer and riding Colossus, back in June of 2011.

    I never thought about the noise from Montezooma being heard inside the Little Chapel by the Lake, but it makes sense that it would. And I wonder what that noise was like for the animals in the Animal Farm? They would have been right next door to the coaster, from 1978 until 1983, when they were moved over to Camp Snoopy.

    You are right about October of '86 being near the end for the Tijuana Taxi, Mexican Whip, and the Fiesta Wheel. By the following summer, those had all been removed and replaced with new rides. The Children's Party Garden, the Monkey Cage, and the Seal Pool all disappeared before that, however, and at different times. The Seal Pool was removed in 1974, and replaced with Fiesta Plaza. Looking at old maps, it appears that the Party Garden disappeared sometime around 1976, and was replaced with La Cocinita Restaurant. As for the Monkey Cage, it looks like it was still around in early 1978, but I don't think it lasted much longer than that. It might have been removed by that summer, when Montezooma and El Cinema Grande debuted.

    Thanks for the info/memories about the fog effect in the "New Matterhorn." And wow....I had forgotten all about the mist in that little building on the Jet Stream, at Magic Mountain! Thanks for the "memory jog" on that one!
