Thursday, October 25, 2012

Knott's 40th Halloween Haunt: Part 3 - Gypsy Camp

It's time to visit Gypsy Camp at Knott's Berry Farm! No, not the Gypsy Camp that was replaced by the Roaring 20's in 1975, but a temporary Gypsy Camp that is open on Halloween Haunt nights only. This area is actually set up backstage and is sort of a Gypsy-themed "corridor" that leads to four of the Haunt's walk-thru mazes.

Here's a quiet Gypsy encampment.

That is, until the windows of the Gypsy wagon fly open and this wildly animated werewolf pops out!

Other werewolves can be found in the Gypsy Camp, including some "werewolf heads-on-a-stick."

This one is just hanging around....waiting for the right moment to scare some guests.

"Chicken-man" can also be seen lurking about in this area.

Here he is passing one of the fortuneteller tents. This pic was taken about a week after the one above. His arms appear to have been "plucked" on this particular night.

"Piggy-girl" also passes through Gypsy Camp throughout the evening. She usually has a twin sister with her, but it's hard to get a photo of the two of them standing still together.

Another Gypsy wagon.....

This Gypsy lost his head.....

And this one is being attacked by a werewolf. This was actually a "ring toss" game. The werewolf's hand was sticking out through the chest of the Gypsy and it would slide in and out. The object of the game was to toss a ring over the werewolf's hand while it was in the out position. I'm not sure why, but this game has since disappeared. Maybe it was too difficult for guests to win?

Now we come to the backstage mazes. This first one is new this year for Knott's 40th Halloween Haunt. It's called, "Trick Or Treat." We saw the artwork for this facade in my Halloween Haunt Museum post. The maze winds it's way through the house of The Green Witch.

"Trick or Treaters" can be found outside the house.

There are also "Tricksters" wandering around in and outside of the house. We saw "The Vamp" and "The Bully" (Skeleton) in part one of my Haunt series of posts. Here is "The Pig" and one of "The Twins." They are all minions of The Green Witch and they do her bidding!

Here are some Knott's publicity pics showing the interior of the Witch's house.

The entryway:

This maze was really impressive. In this room, books slide in and out of the bookcase and the pages of one book turn by themselves. The giant Ouija Board also operates all by itself.

Books fly around overhead while the Witch casts spells in this room.

Watch out for what's hiding underneath the Witch's bed!

"Endgames: Warriors of the Apocalypse" is a post-apocalyptic themed maze. Here's the description of the maze according to the Haunt press release: "The world as we know it has ended. The survivors in this barren desert have scavenged to rebuild society. The rich and the powerful have turned all others into slaves for sport. Enter the post apocalyptic arena where gladiators are forced to battle to their deaths for entertainment. Are you game?"

Here are the official Knott's publicity pics.

This is just one of several large animatronic figures used in the Haunt mazes this year.

Next we have "Dominion of the Dead," which is a vampire-themed maze. The Haunt press release gives this description of the maze: "Dominion of the Dead....where creatures create art and music so beautiful the human mind cannot fully comprehend. Orroro Bella, the beautiful horror, is what you will find within the walls of this gallery. Lured by the undead, you descend deeper within the gallery as the chance to escape slips away. You shall be their next masterpiece."

I took these next three photos outside of the maze.

And here are some official Knott's press release photos of the interior of "Dominion of the Dead":

The last maze in this backstage area is, "Delirium"......"In the deep recesses of the mind, on the clouded brink of insanity, lies the hellish wasteland of delirium; a place so gruesome that your imagination fails to comprehend the horrors. Illusion and paranoia are your only anchors to reality. Welcome to your worst nightmare!"

All four photos are official Knott's press release pics. The first one shows the entrance to the maze.

There is still more to come! Please check back for more of Knott's 40th Halloween Haunt!


  1. Love Chicken Head and Piggy Girl. Wish I was there. Great update!

  2. Wow, the sheer amount of stuff is amazing, and some of it looks genuinely creepy. Looks like it would be a lot of fun!

  3. Did you notice the "Rare Books" sign from KOD at the beginning of Endgames? It isn't pictured here.

    Happy Halloween!

  4. K. Martinez, I wish you could have gone too!

    Major, I was surprised at how much "stuff" they have now for Haunt. My last Haunt visit was a long time ago and they only had TWO mazes back then!

    Anonymous, I did not notice that! I wish I had known about it. I've heard that a lot of things from Bear-y Tales and KOD have been reused in Haunt mazes of the past. Happy Belated Halloween to you!

    SWA, Chicken-man is one of my favorites...that's why I included two pics of him. There was also a Snake-man that didn't get posted in my "Ghost Town" post. I think I am going to have to do a "miscellaneous" Haunt post and include everything that I left out of all the other posts!

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