Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy Birthday, Disneyland!

In honor of Disneyland's 57th birthday today, I'm posting a few buttons from my personal collection. These first two were available for park guests to purchase on July 17th, 1985 and 1986 for Disneyland's 30th and 31st birthdays. I remember the button from the 30th birthday quickly selling out that day and I also remember being approached later in the evening by a park guest offering to buy mine for $20!

This next button was available only to cast members for Disneyland's 53rd birthday in 2008.

And this is the button that cast members were given just last year for Disneyland's 56th birthday.

It seems that the cast members are now given a special button to wear every year on July 17th, but there have been very few years that buttons have been available to park guests. The only July 17th-specific birthday buttons that I am aware of are the first two posted above from 1985 and 1986, and the one below from 1980 that was given to those attending a special 25 hour party for Disneyland's 25th birthday. To read more about that 25 hour party from 1980, click HERE.

Happy 57th Birthday, Disneyland!!!


  1. Tokyo, all I can say is you really push my buttons! Love all of these. Hope to see one tonight... would love to see it make a trip to 1955 with you!!!!!!

  2. Well, bust my buttons! These are great!

  3. They already took the best "button" catchphrases. So instead, I offer a video of Bob Hope singing "Buttons and Bows"

    Cool collection Tokyo.

  4. Great post! I've always loved the buttons and like 'em even better than the pins! I remember you could always count on a cool button being available for holidays and special occasions. Sadly, no more. Phooey!

  5. BIWATW, thanks! I had fun at the park with you both last night....as always!

    K. Martinez, thank you! I'll try to post some more buttons from my collection.

    SWA, Wow, a very young Jane Russell! I'm familiar with the song and those movies, but never seen either one of them for some reason.

    Connie, I like buttons better than the pins too! I think the popularity of the pins pushed the buttons pushed right out, darn it! I wonder if the pin "fad" will ever pass like the Disney "Beanies" craze did?

  6. I remember when Disneyland turned 35 and that seemed old. Now I'm older than that and it doesn't seem so old.

    I'm happy Disneyland is aging so well!

  7. Oops, I am late to the party (no pun intended)! I am surprised when you mentioned that the pin for the 30th quickly sold out. For some reason I always thought that the park gave out pins for free on significant Disneyland anniversaries. Not sure WHY I thought that, but I didn't know that folks actually had to buy them.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Dan, I remember when DL turned 25 and that seemed old to me!

    Major, As for the birthday buttons, yes the ones from 1985 and 1986 had to be purchased. I remember I bought mine in the Emporium. The birthday button from 1980 was given out to guests that attended the 25 hour birthday party held on July 17, 1980. This year the employees were again wearing special buttons on the 17th, but they were not available to park guests. The only item available for guests to purchase this year was a special "trading pin" and they said it was sold out by 11 a.m. They mentioned that there was a only a limited number available, but that they might get more in later in the week. I didn't really care because I didn't want a pin. I wanted a button, darn it!
