Friday, February 10, 2012

Dapper Day At Disneyland: Part 1 - The Mark Twain Mixer

Well February is here, and that means it's time for another Dapper Day! "Dapper Day 2012" was held last Sunday (yes, on Superbowl Sunday.....but who really follows hockey anyway?) and it was a huge success.

The pin below reads "2nd Annual Dapper Day", but there have been three events so far. I'm guessing this means the 2nd annual daytime event since the event last September was "An Evening Affair".

The first gathering of the day was The Mark Twain Mixer. Everyone met at the boat dock at 3:00 "for an elegant trip around the Rivers of America on this original attraction from 1955." The waiting area next to the dock quickly filled up with people.

This guest painted her own vintage-style graphics on her bag!

And this attendee made his own vest. Those stripes are individually sewn on!

Here she comes around the bend. By now the entire waiting area was packed.

All aboard!

Ready to set sail!

There were so many people at this event, that they would not all fit onto the Mark Twain. Here we can see the line of people waiting for the next departure. It extended all the way past Lillian Disney's petrified tree.......

.....and down to the Riverbelle Terrace Restaurant.

Here is just a sampling of all the dapper people on board.

There was a pianist on the lower deck of the ship. I had never seen this on the Mark Twain before, but I'm guessing he wasn't just there for Dapper Day.

People were getting into the spirit of the music.

Here's a very dapper couple. The guy behind them thought it was Grad Nite 1977!

Photo by Ryan Valle

A closer look....

Photo by Jennifer Stockert (who is pictured above with her husband, Bruce Stockert.)

Actually, the event's creator states that you can interpret "dapper" however you like...."a period look is as correct as the latest haute couture." And speaking of "period" well does this lady's ensemble fit in with the Mark Twain setting!

Here are some very dapper groups. The gentleman second from the right is Ryan Valle, who was kind enough to let me use one of his photos in this post (thank you!).

A dapper Indian village.....

.....and it's dapper village people.

Now we're approaching the dock. There were enough people waiting to fill the Mark Twain to capacity for a second go-around.

All ashore that's going ashore.....

Check back for more Dapper Day photos in Part 2, including the "Dapper Derby" meeting at the Carrousel!

***Post Update*** For Part 2, click here: Dapper Day At Disneyland: Part 2.


  1. Nice ensemble, Disco Stu! Looks like it was a fun event. It will be interesting to see if the attendance keeps on growing each time; considering it was Snoozerbowl Sunday, the turnout was impressive!

    Thanks for the fun photos.

  2. Glad the witness protection program allowed one photo! Thanks for sharing - made me bummed I couldn't attend!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. That was so so so so COOL!!! I am so major league BUMMED that I had to miss it!

  5. Super pics! Seems like this event is really catching on. Tokyo, do we get to see your Dapper attire in the next post?

  6. Major, so far the attendance has grown for each event. More and more people are finding out about it.

    Dave and Connie, I was bummed FOR you when both of you told me you weren't going to be able to make it after all! You were both missed!

    SWS, one of these days, I just might get brave enough to post a pic of myself. :-)

  7. That is so adorable!! I wish we had a day like this here at Disney world.

  8. hellokitt9, you actually do have a day like that in Florida! Dapper Day took place in all the Magic Kingdom parks around the world on the same day as Anaheim's Dapper Day. From the photos, it looks like Walt Disney World had a nice little group that turned out for the event.

  9. That is very cool the next time they have one I will have to go.

  10. This is going to seem really random but bear with me. I've been in search of the Eyvind Earle Sleeping Beauty Tapestry for a couple of years now, and happened to stumble upon a post where you said that you do in fact have one ( Is there ANY chance you'd be looking or willing to part with it? I run a search every month or two in hopes someday I'll run across one for sale so I can finally get it for my wife. Her birthday is in a month and I would be her hero. Please comment back and let me know and I'll figure out a way to get you my info if there's a chance. Thanks so much!

  11. Wow, that looks like fun! Great pictures, TokyoMagic!

  12. Marshall, Sorry...I don't have that tapestry. I had to go back and look at my comment to see exactly what I said. I said that I "love" that tapestry that Dan had posted a picture of, not that I have it. I wish I could help you out. Good luck finding one for your wife!


    Dan, Thanks! It really was fun...I am already looking forward to the next one.

  13. Great Pix! I cant wait to see part 2!
