Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dapper Day at Disneyland - An Evening Affair!

The second biannual "Dapper Day" was held at Disneyland last Friday. The basic idea for this "unofficial" park event was just to get dressed up, go to the park, and have fun. I missed the very first event back in February, but I made it to this one and I have only two complaints. The night went by too quickly and I wish I had taken more photos!

There were two scheduled "meets" during the evening. The first was for the "Dapper Derby" in Fantasyland. Everyone met at 8:00 and then "flash mobbed" the Carrousel.

The turn out for this event was so great, it took four rounds on the Carrousel to accommodate everyone in the group. Here are some photos of the first group of riders.

It's the "Disney wave."

Notice the vintage Disneyland paper bag from the late seventies and early eighties.

These next photos are of the second group to ride. Below, is "Progressland" of the Disneyland Nomenclature blog, and artists Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily.

No texting until the Carrousel comes to a full and complete stop, please!

After the Carrousel ride, many people stayed in the area and posed for pics.

Here's a very dapper Dave of Daveland posing with a dapper duo!

This shot was requested by one of the ladies attending the event. She asked for a group photo of some of the hat-wearing men.

Zooming in, we see another vintage Disneyland bag. This one is circa the late sixties and early seventies.

Then the crowd broke up since the next meeting time wasn't until 11:30 over at Trader Sam's. Some of us stayed together to watch the "Magic, Memories and You" show, and the "Magical" fireworks show and also to ride.....It's a Dapper World After All!

After the park closed, people met up again over at the Disneyland Hotel for cocktails in the newly opened Trader Sam's.

If you haven't seen Trader Sam's yet, it is definitely worth checking out!. If you order a specialty drink (or just wait for someone else to order one), "enchanted" things happen.

A "family tree" can be found mounted on the wall inside. If the colors look strange in this shot, it's because I converted the photo to "retro colors." I was going to do this to all of the photos (along with adding the white borders) to give them a vintage look, but I didn't like the way they turned out so we just have this one that managed to make it's way into the post.

This is the view from the patio of the new hotel water slides, framed on either side by tiki torches.

Here are a couple videos from that night. This first one is from YouTube user "drwrose" and shows the first group to ride on the Carousel.

This second video is from YouTube user "pizzaplanettruck" and starts out with one of the attendees choosing an outfit for the evening and also shows dancing at the soon-to-be-demolished Plaza Gardens Pavilion. I love the Glenn Miller version of "When You Wish Upon A Star"....excellent soundtrack choice!!!

For more information about Dapper Day and to see some pics from the very first event that was held in February of this year, click here: Dapper Day


  1. Great recap of a very fun night - thanks Chris!

  2. You LA guys get to have all the fun! Terrific coverage Tokyo of what looked liked a super cool event. I'm a big fan of that "vintage" look.

    Waaaa, wish I had been there!

  4. I wish I could have gone---my name is perfect for that event! Looks like y'all had fun. Great photos of you lucky Californians!

  5. Great photos! The ladies look especially fantastic. I noticed another vintage bag in your photos; don't people know that those things are worth money? ;-)

  6. Awesome report, what a fun night!

    It was neat to see everyone dressed up, especially some of the ladies, they really did it up nice.

    Those vintage bags were too cool! I had some vintage tickets with me - odd, they didn't want an "A" ticket to enter the Carousel?

    I hope to see more folks in February!

  7. Ha, I was there with my family that night. We saw you all in Disneyland at the Carousel, and then later at Trader Sam's.

    We were sitting at the opposite end of the bar from the column you photographed. If you saw a grumpy looking fat guy with his wife and two twenty-something kids at the far table, that was us.

    I saw a group of people come in, some of whom are in your pictures and also noticed flash photos coming from the entry, wonder if that was you taking the bar picture?

    Looks like a lot of fun. We were definitely NOT dapper, at all. If I had known that I knew you guys, I would have said hello.

    Glad you had fun. I thought the drinks at Trader Sam's need some work, but the atmosphere is great.


  8. Dave, Thanks....I enjoyed hanging out with you, even though it was only for a short time.

    SWS, Connie and Dan, I wish all three of you had been there!

    Major, I also wish that you had been there! I wonder how much those bags go for on ebay? I'll have to check that out.

    VDT, your vintage tickets and guidebook were a very nice touch. I forgot about the Carousel taking an "A" ticket. We ALWAYS came home with our "A" tickets....I think a lot of people did!

    JG, I remember the bar was really crowded that night.....there wasn't a single seat available. I got my drink and took it outside, but I did take about three pics while I was in there. I would have loved to have met you!

  9. "Unknown", it WAS fab....I can't wait for the next one!

  10. What a fabulous event!! I love all the vintage looks and the men in hats!
    Deb @ Focused on the Magic

  11. Just a quick note-- the Plaza Gardens dance stand is not being demolished, It is being rethemed for the Fantasy Faire. Weekend dancing will still be featured when the area reopens.
