Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summertime At Disneyland! - 1986

Just a quick post today. This Disneyland advertisement is from the Los Angeles Times and is dated July 20, 1986....25 years ago!

I'm a little confused by the text at the bottom, stating that Magic Journeys was still playing. I know that Captain EO premiered at Disneyland in September of 1986. According to Wikipedia (which is never wrong!), Magic Journeys closed in January of 1986. This makes sense because time would have been needed to build the new Magic Eye theater for Captain EO (Magic Journeys was only shown outdoors on the Space Stage after dark). Does anyone know if Magic Journeys was actually still playing at Disneyland in the Summer of 1986? Could it have been moved to a different location? Videopolis, perhaps? This was a time when I was not going to the park very often, so I don't have any old Disneyland guides to go by.


  1. We need Jason aka "Progressland" on the case of whether Magic Journeys was still there! I still vividly remember a scene with some fish that seemed to be floating closer to you than the person sitting in front of you. Everyone would be reaching out as if they could touch it!

    Wikipedia is wonderful, but you are right; it has its share of mistakes.

  2. I recall that Magic Journeys DID play for a short time over at Viedopollis. Hey it was nice to meet you in person at GURRTINI Nite!

  3. Keep the archival ephemera coming. Great to see these pieces of DL history :)

  4. I believe the one and only time I saw Magic Journeys was inside the Magic Eye theater. It was odd and felt very temporary. But you're pushing the memory a bit.

    Where are you, Jason?

  5. I don't ever remember seeing one of those dog-faced people from the Disney Comics (you know, the ones that are often shown walking their pet dogs) selling hot dogs at Disneyland. Great advertisement!

    Since it was created for Epcot, the trippy Magic Journeys movie must have been made in the late 1970s or the very early 1980s, right? It must have been weird to see this appear as a new thing in 1986.

  6. Major, I remember the fish too, and the kite that was flying out in front of everyone....and that Sherman Brothers song!

    Mike, it was very nice meeting you too. Again, I'm a fan of your work!

    SWS, Thanks...I have tons of these newspaper ads, so I won't be running out of stuff to post for quite a while.

    OTB, I guess it would have helped if I had read the ENTIRE Wikipedia page. I just went back to the page and saw that it states: "Starting on June 16, 1984, it began a two-year run at Disneyland, first on the outdoor Space Stage and then inside the newly constructed Magic Eye Theater in Tomorrowland." But then it goes on to say, "In early 1986, the film was removed from Disneyland and EPCOT Center in order to make way for a new 3-D film, Captain EO." And then off in the margin is where they give the opening and closing dates and that is where January of 1986 is listed. It's a bit of a contradiction but it does state that it played in the new Magic Eye Theater. I wonder when they began constructing the Magic Eye Theater and I wonder how long it took them to finish it?

    Dan, I remember those dog faced people in the comic books! Magic Journeys actually began it's run at Disneyland in 1984. I never thought about it, but you're right about the time period that they must have been working on it in order for it to open at EPCOT in 1982. I wouldn't mind seeing it again. They should play Magic Journeys during the day and then swap it with Captain EO in the afternoon like they used to do with the films in the Circle Vision Theater at DL.

  7. I don't know where I got this information (it's not cited in the thesaurus--possibly directly from Dave Smith), but I have the run of Magic Journeys ending on September 9, 1986. The Magic Eye Theater debuted on May 2, 1986 and Captain EO debuted on September 13, 1986.

  8. Progressland, thanks for that information! It clears everything up! Well, maybe not EVERYTHING (like why they built DCA), but it explains the Magic Eye Theater/Magic Journeys mystery!

  9. I saw Magic Journeys at the Magic Eye Theater in late-May 1986.

    It was definitely a movie from a certain time and place. The main thing I remember is zooming in close to some white flowers (almond blossoms maybe?)...
