Thursday, May 5, 2011

Return Of The Omnibus Ride To Destruction!

In my last post, we saw some video footage of the New Tomorrowland construction that was shot from the upper deck of the Disneyland Omnibus. Today I have some photos that were taken from the very same vantage point. This first one was taken of course, from The Plaza. You can see just a bit of the Omnibus parked over to the far left behind the tree.

I should mention that these first three pics were taken in May of 1997, prior to the video that we saw in the last post. Notice the large amoeboid bowl planters are still in place in front of the shiny silver Tomorrowland entrance panels. I wonder what they did with those planters? They were much nicer to look at than the perpetually dead-looking Persimmons trees that are there today.

These next two pics were taken in June of 1997, after the video footage was shot. The amoeboid planters are now gone and you can see that a "pit" is starting to be dug where that piece of....uh, well.....oh, let's just call it revolving space garbage....ended up going. I say, bring back the Palm trees and colorful flowers that graced the Tomorrowland entrance for 30 years!


  1. Jeez, even under construction Tomorrowland gradually starts to look worse instead of better!! Interesting pix...

  2. It really seems like they were trying to have a Disneyland Paris Discoveryland style Tomorrowland for California, but in typical theme park fashion, "something suddenly went horribly wrong." Luckily, they removed the rust look from Space Mountain. I'm really looking forward to the new 3D random-adventure version of Star Tours, which I bet becomes the most popular attraction in California for quite some time (I get to experience Florida's version in August---provided it's open!).

  3. Dan, I just hope that the new "random" Star Tours is more random than Indiana Jones' "random" that was touted so much when it opened!
