Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day From Flick's Fun Fair!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone! Here's just a little bit of green for you today from Flik's Fun Fair and A Bug's Land.


  1. Splendid pics. Really like them all but the Tower shot is super! Truly an ant's eye view.

  2. Somehow I did not see any of Flick's Fun Fair when I went to California Adventure---I can't believe I did not check it out.

    I tried to get a Shamrock Shake at McDonald's today, but it was not a participating location (the manager said they were not even given the opportunity to order the mix).

  3. very cool! i cant wait till im able to get back to Disneyland to see all that is new there in the past almost 6 years now :)

    Happy St Patrick's Day to you, too!

  4. Like Dan, I've been to California Adventure and managed to miss the whole "Bug's Land" area (isn't it really aimed at the very young?). I like the giant shamrocks or clovers or whatever those are!

  5. Flik's Fun Fair is easy to miss. Up until very recently, it was located in a "dead end" corner of the park. They just opened up a pathway from it over to the Tower of Terror (which was in another dead end corner of the park....gee, and they wondered why nobody was going to DCA!) and I believe there will be another pathway from this area into Carsland when it opens next year.

  6. Lovely pictures... but you missed getting the one 4-leaf clover in Bug's Land!!

  7. Hey Ron, Wow, I didn't know that there was a four-leaf clover! Thanks for the heads-up....I'll have to look for it next time I'm over there!
